Quality Buildings

Tiny Home in Oklahoma

Our Lone Grove Sales Manager, Josh, sent photos to showcase how his customer transformed their 14x42 Utility style into a stunning and cozy tiny home. They plan to temporarily live in the building until they begin utilizing it as an Airbnb. Most of the work shown was done by the customer with help on a few projects from hired contractors. The project was completed in around nine months.

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Food Truck Tuesdays in Purcell, OK

Our Purcell Sales Manager, Josh, has partnered with local food trucks to bring delicious food to the town of Purcell every Tuesday. Our Purcell location is located at 2010 Green Ave., directly across from Wal-Mart, which helps bring traffic to the lot and trucks. Josh is always looking for ways to connect in the community so when he saw Rachel and Joe's food trucks, he knew he had to ask if they were interested in setting up at his lot from time to time.

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Back to School

It’s that time of the year again!

As we are faced with unprecedented times many are turning to portable sheds to use as home offices, granny pods, and even schoolhouses! We know this time can be stressful so we wanted to show you how easy it is to transform your shed! 

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Building Materials Upgrades

Advanced building materials.

Since July 2019, we have made upgrades in the building materials used to construct our products. As a result, our buildings are stronger, and have even better materials warranties.

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Do You Want to Host a Fantastic Outdoor Party?

   It’s warming up around here and I bet you can’t wait to host a outdoor party  at your house but just need a few finishing touches. The easiest and quickest way to bring a huge wow factor to your party is the addition of a pavilion or pergola to your back yard. Just string a few lights up and some tiki torches and you’ve almost gotten yourself a party!

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Central Oklahoma Camp & Conference Center Building Donation

We get a lot of calls at Quality each day from our valued customers. But this one day we got a call that just blew us away. 

We got a call from Central Oklahoma Camp And Conference, and they were looking for a building to use a concession and gift shop. 

Now if you have never head of COCC like we had, please take some time and head on over to their site. But fair warning, Have a box of tissues handy. These are good people providing a great service!

Now think about this for a moment. Think of every camping excursion you have ever gone on. Would you be able to that if you were say confined to a wheelchair? This tree house cabin for example is great fun, but not very practical for kiddos with physical challenges.

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Benefits of Growing Cannabis in Your Backyard Greenhouse

Oklahoma’s medical marijuana industry has been booming since the law was passed in June 2018. Since then state regulators have approved licenses for 1,109 dispensaries, 1,972 growers s and 553 processors - supplying cannabis to 63,647 qualifying patients. Over the past year, patients have spent hundreds, if not thousands of dollars to purchase medical grade cannabis from licensed dispensaries.

Today many patients are exploring the option of growing their own cannabis at home. Many community grow centers have been established throughout Oklahoma, empowering patients with the tools and knowledge needed to cultivate crops of strains specific to their needs.

There are a number of at-home kits available on the internet, but the overwhelming recommendation from experienced growers is that greenhouses are the best home growing option. At Quality Buildings we have been providing top quality greenhouses to Oklahoma for years. Moving forward, we are partnering with local grow centers to share our greenhouses with new patient customers throughout Oklahoma.

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5 Tips For Portable Building Organization

Need some ideas for storing away your belongings this spring? Here are some tips from Quality Buildings.

Lawn Maintenance
Lawn maintenance supplies such as lawn mowers, fertilizer or soil, gardening tools, or extra flower pots can be an eyesore if left out in the yard but take up significant space if stored in the garage. By having a portable storage unit in your backyard, these supplies can have a permanent home where they’re kept out of sight, but still easily accessible.

Pool Accessories
The only thing worse than putting away your favorite pool toys (and accepting the fact that summer is over) is accidentally leaving them to be weathered in the elements. By keeping your favorite pool toys in a portable storage building in your backyard, you and your family have easy access to the toys at any time during the year while your backyard and pool stay clean and organized.

Holiday Decoration Storage
For the extravagant holiday decorators, finding a clean, dry, convenient place to store your decorations can be more difficult than actually decorating your home. Cross that worry off of your list this year and organize your decorations in a portable storage building right on your property. This allows you to keep your decorations close for quick access so you can monitor them.

Extra Work Space
This is ideal for the ultimate crafter or small business owner. Sometimes the spare bedroom you’re using as a makeshift workspace doesn’t always work. There’s no place to put anything, there are kids rummaging through your things while the family dog has decided you don’t need peace in order to work. We recommend taking your workspace outdoors, into a portable storage unit. You’ll have plenty of room for storing your supplies along with an escape for five minutes of peace.

New Home
Have you recently downsized your house? Are you in the process of moving? Unpacked boxes can quickly get in the way of your home’s new flow, so store those huge boxes out in a portable storage unit. This will help you move through the unpacking process a bit more smoothly and the boxes will be safe until you have a chance to get to them.

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10 Unique Uses For A Portable Building

Have you taken a stroll around your neighborhood? During your drive, you may have noticed a house or two with a large shed in the backyard. But, guess what. It probably wasn’t a shed.

In fact, it could’ve been a workshop — a studio, maybe even a tiny home. In this day and age, outdoor portable buildings can serve a variety of needs. Whether it’s storing away tools for the winter or using the extra space for homeschooling, the only limitation is your imagination.

So, what all can a portable building be used for? Our team here at Quality Buildings has listed a few of many ways you can get the most out of your space.

1. Art Studio

If you’re a painter, sculptor, designer or crafter, a studio is exactly what you need. You can absorb some inspiration as you work in a space that’s all your own.

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Quality Buildings is Hiring

We are currently seeking sales representatives for new lots throughout Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle. If you have outside sales experience, please apply on our website.

As we continue to grow, we strive to work within our Oklahoma communities, building relationships with partners and customers.

If you’re a Quality Buildings customer, please let someone know about your experience working with us. Thank you!

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Greenhouse...Your Winter Garden Savior

Burr…..it definitely feels like winter time.  I don’t know about you but I’ve been dreaming of summer days when I can go out into my garden and pick a fresh, home grown, tomato right off the vine.  I get the urge to plant and tend my garden during the winter and I found the perfect solution to my dilemma, a greenhouse!

Greenhouses are capable of growing food year round in most climates even in the heart of winter. It  can withstand freezing temperatures, all while keeping the plants inside from Mr. Jack Frost’s icy grip.

What I love about Quality Building’s greenhouses:

1.  They have a double wall polycarbonate to keep the heat in and the cold out. Most places will tell you to just go ahead and insulate with bubble wrap. Why would you create more work for yourself when you can purchase a product that already has insulation.

2.  Electric packages are available. With these electrical packages, you can use heaters, lamps, or anything else you may need. Sometimes, you just need to add some heat to keep temperatures warm enough. If you are going to use a heater, please make sure to keep the heater in a central spot that is least likely to encounter water.

3. One of my most favorite features would have to be the water hookup. I love that it has a faucet that I can quickly connect my water hose to and water all the plants easily.

4.  A drawback of heating your greenhouse is the increasing humidity it causes. Good ventilation is key to keeping your plants healthy and free from spread of fungal diseases. A good rule of thumb would be to water sparingly and only in the morning. Excess humidity can be cleared by the auto opening vent that is standard with all our greenhouses.

5. If you ever worry about the sun beating down on your precious plants, there is also an add on feature that is called “garden house.” It is where part of the greenhouse has metal for the roof and smart panel siding for the walls to shade your beauties from too much sun. Speaking of temperatures, you can purchase a fan package that will automatically turn on when the temperature of the greenhouse exceeds a temperature that is set.

6. If you have a greenhouse, you can defy nature. A greenhouse would be a great place for your propagator and start your seeds for spring. Good choices for seeds would be spinach, onions, broad beans, peas, & kale.

If you have any comments or suggestions please let us know.   

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6 Organization Hacks for Portable Buildings

As a homeowner, a portable building can play a crucial role in your organization system. It allows you to take the heat off your home and create a dedicated space for storing specific items. Whether you need a tool, appliance or a weed wacker, you need to find it as soon as you need it. To keep your area looking pristine, we’ve put together a list of six organization hacks for portable buildings.


When you’re limited on storage space, the only way to go is up. Modify your portable building with shelving to free up floor space. Not only will you be able to stash more, but visually, it’ll expand the look of your room.


Do we have any woodworking enthusiasts out there? If you’re looking for the ultimate way to store your power tools (and annoying cords), click here.



From pesticides to paint sprays and loose tools, stash away smaller items in boxes and bins to avoid losing them. As you organize your shed, establish specific bins to keep each item. This will save you time digging around in the future.



If you have a toolset, you probably have an extensive set of screws, nails, tacks and bolts. Just like loose items, hardware can easily be lost if you don’t have an organized system in place. Keep these in pull out drawers or smaller tackle boxes. This will keep them out of the way and off the floor.



We mentioned considering vertical shelves, but a pegboard system is an equally fantastic alternative for hanging gardening, woodworking or construction supplies. This would be a perfect home for the tools you find yourself using most often. Our team recommends using lathe screws to prevent tear from heavier items. Click below for the full tutorial!



Do you have a bit of a green thumb? Yard tools like rakes, shovels and pitchforks take up ample space —  not to mention, they’re always falling down. To keep them organized and upright, simply carve divots into a long plank of wood and screw it into the wall for a quick DIY tool rack.



It’s so easy to trip on items when they don't have designated spots. Save yourself the headaches (and stubbed) toes by keeping hoses and cords off the floor. Just gather some hooks to get started!


Portable buildings are great for freeing up space but often encounter area constraints of their own. But with these six organization hacks, you’ll be able to declutter, sort and free up square footage in no time.

What are some of your space saving tips? Share your stories and ideas with us in the comments below.

Ready to organize your storage shed? Contact one of your dealer experts to order your building today.

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Storage Unit Vs. Portable Building

Moving into a new home, remodeling, household repairs, we've all been there. It can be particularly stressful when these occurrences minimize the already shrinking space you're working with. It's expensive to add space to a home, not to mention you run the risk of it appearing blatantly mix-matched. Between the hammering of the tools and the chaotic mess that's left behind, why do it?

Something that people most often forget is that they have other options. Options like a portable building. Not only is it a cost-effective alternative, but it can be easily modified with shelving, insulation, electricity, and more. One of the greatest benefits is that it's onsite and that it's convenient. When you need to snatch something from storage, it's right there. No more driving back and forth between your home and the storage facilities that close at 9 p.m. or earlier. You'll also rest soundly at night, not worrying about the safety of your belongings.

Portable buildings are also, well... mobile. If you're making the transition to a new place, you have the option to transport your belongings with ease. Moving is already stressful, if there's any way we can mitigate the burden, you'd better believe we're happy to do so. Another perk of owning your own storage building is that it can serve a variety of purposes. It can be used as a garage, storage shed, warehouse, or even a studio. If you're requiring space for something else like a greenhouse or home office, we have those too.

We take great pride in what we do, and in the products we offer. In a world where adaptability is key, we believe the same should apply to our portable buildings. If you need any help choosing a design or would like to learn about our add-ons, give us a call. Quality Buildings Inc. is here to answer any questions you may have and to set you up with extra space when you need it most.

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Tiny House, Big Possibilities

Many of you may have taken notice of the tiny house movement. People are joining in for a variety of reasons including environmental and financial concerns along with the opportunity for more freedom. This is where you’re probably shaking your head thinking, “I don’t know how someone could live in something like that.” We’re here to tell you that it’s actually not far-fetched as it may sound. Turns out, there’s a number of benefits to living humbly and below, we’ll dig into all the details. 

What constitutes a tiny house?

A typical American home is around 2,600 square feet. A tiny home is somewhere between 100 and 400 square feet. These homes come in all shapes and sizes, are geared towards one thing: simplistic living. Think smaller space, higher efficiency.


Why the downsize? 

With the economic shakeup of 2007, this movement attracted owners from all walks of life. While only 1% of buyers acquire these buildings for dwelling, many are using them as on-property housing for relatives, as a guest house, or even as a home office. For most Americans, 1/3 to 1/2 of their income is dedicated to their housing. Looking down the road, they’ll spend 15 years of working just to pay for it which 76% of Americans are already living paycheck to paycheck.

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Spring Weather Preparations

“Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” Bobby Unser - Famed Auto Racer

Preparation is the key to successfully weathering the extreme spring storms of that fall upon the Great Plains each year. While we still don’t have a crystal ball to foretell the severity and impact of every storm, fear of the inevitable shouldn’t be the only motivator for preparation.

Have a Plan

Minimize the panic coordinating a disaster preparedness plan with your family, friends and neighbors. Ensure that you have designated a meeting point for everyone. Pick a safe room in your home. This room should be in the center of the house, without windows or exterior doors and large enough for you, your children and pets.

Teach your family how to administer basic first aid. You can event enroll in a first aid and CPR training through local first responder groups, high schools and technical schools.

Make sure to clearly communicate where fire extinguishers, first aid kits and fresh water are located. Ensure that these emergency supplies are stocked and accessible during the storm season.

Ensure that everyone in your home understands how tornado sirens work, what to listen for, and how long they are active during a storm.

When a disaster occurs, the biggest stressor on people is the feeling of disconnect. Phones aren’t working, no power, no internet… How will you feel assured that your loved ones are okay?

Stay Informed

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DIY - Holiday Door Decor

We just love fall time. Don't you?

The cozy mugs of hot chocolate, warm sweaters, and fall DIY's. 

We wanted to share with you a DIY fall hanging arrangement. We also tried to do something a little different than a wreath. Here is our take on fall door decor.

What you need:

  • grapevine basket
  • floral foam ( make sure it will fit in your container or you will have to cut it)
  • flowers
  • feathers (I used pheasant) 
  • floral tape
  • floral picks
  • holiday pick
  • glue gun

I started playing with the floral picks  arranging them to my liking. Using floral tape, I securely attached the rest of the flowers and holiday picks to the main flower stem. 

I took the floral foam and put it inside the container to serve as stablization for the piece. 

After I carefully placed the piece inside the container, I added a few pheasant feathers for fun.

For more fun tips click here.

Here is a handy dandy video tutorial for your viewing pleasure!

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What Would I Do With A Portable Building?

As many of you may be aware, portable buildings have the ability to serve a world of possibilities. In need of a home office? Check. Maybe you could use a little extra space for the kiddos to play? Done. We could go on for hours on what our customers typically use our buildings for but, we thought we’d shed a little light on the matter.

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How To Prepare For Inclement Weather

One of the best ways that you can prepare for a storm is to have adequate protection.  Find a company you trust that has many years of experience in this field.  These experienced companies will be able to guide you to what suits your needs.  There are many options out there and shelters to consider include:  slope front shelters, below ground flat top (pictured below) safe rooms, and  underground garage floor shelters. Choose what works best for you and fits your families needs. 

Another easy way that you can prepare for storm season would be to clean out your storm shelter. It is also important to  have a place to sit in your storm shelter. A small bench would work just fine. You would be able to utilize the storage space under the bench to store bottled water , battery powered lights, and a weather radio.  It's a smart plan to keep a storm bag packed with essentials like travel sized toothpaste, a toothbrush, protein bars, and a change of clothing.

It is always best to err on the side of caution whenever a  severe storm is approaching. Don't wait until there is a tornado  within sight to head to your storm shelter. When you know there is a chance of bad weather, keep an eye on the news and  allow yourself plenty of time for you and your loved ones to make it to a safe place.  One last thing to remember is to register your shelter with the local authorities. When you register your shelter, your name and address will be placed on a list. I hope this is never the case, but if your are ever trapped in your storm shelter, this will help the rescue teams to locate  you. Wishing safety for you this storm season!

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No Business like Snow Business

Venture west of Oklahoma City and you may come across the little town of Cordell, the seat of Washita County. There you will find, nestled under the branches of a huge pecan tree, you will find Pecan Creek Cafe & Catering business owned by Chad Igo. Like so many Americans, Chad is an entrepreneur through and through. As an active part of his community, he volunteers for events, supports local first responders, donates to fundraisers, and in general does his best to contribute to making his world a better place.

The town of Cordell is like hundreds of others in rural America. From time to time restaurants open and close, but Chad’s little Pecan Creek Cafe has proudly been open for 12 years and counting. Thanks to the support of the oilfield industry across Oklahoma, Pecan Creek Cafe has grown to include a number of kitchen trailers, a small cafe, and now plans for a snow cone stand with a pizza kitchen inside.

“We have been so blessed to have been embraced by businesses affected by our positive economy.” explains Chad.

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Last month, our team joined hundreds of volunteers and spent a Friday out of the office and participating in the United Way’s Day of Caring. We volunteered with Habitat for Humanity and helped build a new house for a deserving family here in the area. Our team loved this event because it gave us an opportunity to give back to our community, while having a blast with our team. We support the United Way of Norman and their vision to unite and strengthen our community. 

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Pergola Outdoor Kitchen? I Think So.

One of the best things about Summer is the fun times and memories.

What better way to spend it, than to enjoy a lovely evening surrounded with friends, family, and food underneath a Quality Pergola. Whether it's entertaining, relaxing, or hosting a special event, you are sure to enjoy your new pergola all summer long.  A great addition to your pergola would be an add on kitchen area.  Add a little counter space and a grill and you're on your way to funville!  It's really that simple.

One of the most popular things to do when together with friends is cooking. There is something about sharing a meal with friends outside that makes food taste yummier.      

What could be more delicious than a yummy recipe to go with that new outdoor pergola. Below is a fabulous recipe that is sure to wow guests. Give it a try!

BBQ Bacon Cheeseburgers

  • 2 lbs 90% lean ground beef
  • 10 slices of bacon
  • 3 T. barbecue sauce
  • 1 T. Liquid Smoke
  • 1 tsp. seasoned salt
  • 1 C. shredded Cheddar cheese

Mix ground beef, barbecue sauce, Liquid Smoke, and seasoned salt together in a large bowl. Add crumbled bacon and Cheddar cheese. Mix well and shape into patties. Grill over med/high heat until done to your liking. Serve on hamburger buns along with additional barbecue sauce. Garnish with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, pickles, or veggies of your choice.

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2018 Day of Caring

This year we teamed up with United Way in a “Day of Caring”. The whole experience was very fun and rewarding! It started out at the Community Center Building. A group of us from Quality dug right in and were able to make some great improvements to our local community center and part of the Head Start Building.                 

We began in the garden courtyard cleaning out the overgrown, and very neglected flower beds. Tackling stubborn weeds was just the start. We also trimmed low hanging branches, washed the dirt off sidewalks and the patio and raked mountains of leaves. Picking up trash from the playground area and dragging away limbs was also something that we were able to do to help out. We thoroughly enjoyed giving back to the community with all these tasks.  Don’t let all that work fool you. We had a great time volunteering. This is one of the many things about United Way of Norman, they have a unique approach to strengthen and bring together our entire community in a pleasant and surprising way. If you ever have the opportunity to volunteer, seriously consider it. The reward of helping out is more than worth the time and effort involved. Overall, The 2018 Day of Caring was a rewarding day and at the end of it, we felt good to give back to the community.

Here is a slideshow of all our hard work.

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5 Great Reasons to Buy a Carport

When thunderstorms kick up in the great plains, a sudden hail storm can often appear with little to no notice at all. Your home provides security of your family, your property and investments outside deserve the same type of protection from the storm.

The Financial End of Things

Outside of our home, our cars are our second largest investments. Cars kept under a carport maintain a higher resale value than those left directly in the elements. Additionally, insurers receive a discount for vehicles stored under a carport.

We often see traditional carports used in nontraditional ways across various industries. Offering the coverage of a carport to your livestock could make the difference between keeping or losing money after the storm.

Ultimate Storage Solution

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Show Us Your Upgrade

We’re in the business of solving storage & outdoor building dilemmas. We see it every day; new outdoor buildings make huge impacts on the appearance and value of our customer’s property.

If you’ve recently upgraded your property with a new Quality Buildings product, we would love to see it. Submit your BEFORE and AFTER, and a few details about how the building has impacted your home or business to marketing@qbiusa.com.

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Portable vs. Self Storage

Using a storage unit can help tremendously whether you’re downsizing your home or just trying to declutter – helping you keep all of the “stuff” that you want to keep, but might not need on a regular basis. There are two options that home and business owners should consider when looking for additional space – a self-storage unit and a portable storage unit. 

Portable Storage Unit

The first option for extra storage is to purchase a portable storage unit. Units are delivered to the customer’s property and typically the customer packs their belongings at their convenience. While monthly payment plans are available, portable storage units are usually paid for in one sitting, rather than being leased. 

An advantage to purchasing a portable unit, like one from Quality Buildings, is that the unit is on your property and provides easy access to your belongings, regardless of the time or occasion. By keeping your unit on your property, you can ensure the safety and security of your belongings. Whereas you might be unsure if you opt for leasing space at a facility. Purchasing a unit allows you to not be pressured to retrieve your belongings by a certain date or risk paying more. 

Portable storage units have more uses than just holding your stuff. Check out other ways to use a portable storage unit here: 5 Tips for Portable Storage Building Organization.

Self-Storage Unit

Another option would be to lease a self-storage unit from a storage facility for as long as you needed it. Customers that lease a unit typically pay by the month and physically transport their belongings to the storage units, or hire someone to move their belongings for them. 

Something to consider when researching unit facilities is making sure to take note of operation hours. Some properties have 24/7 access with the appropriate key, but some have limited hours. If you will need to access your belongings frequently, this can play a major role in determining whether you choose a portable unit or a self-storage facility. 

Self-storage is ideal for customers that need a place to store extra belongings that they do not plan to access frequently, or will not need for an extended period of time.

Which storage unit best fits your needs? If you are looking for a portable storage unit, give us a call today and we will help you look for the one that is perfect for your property. 

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Design Your Building

Design Your Custom Building

Quality Buildings is proud to announce the launch of our new 3-D Visualizer Tool. Now you can design your custom storage building, office, cabin, carport, garage, or metal building, get a quote, and submit your design to our sales team.

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Shedding Some Light On A Dim Matter

You’re in the market for a small shed but you just don’t know where to start. Today, we would love to share with you a few tips on what you should be asking yourself before purchasing a portable shed.

Here are a few questions you might ask.

Who do I trust to build it?

That’ s a great question. Choose a company that is reputable and that has been in the business for awhile. Check online for reviews and their warranty information. Quality Buildings has been in  business for over 10 years. We love what we do and we care about our customers and their needs.

Why do I need a shed?

Before you start looking at portable buildings, decide exactly why you are needing a shed in the first place. Whether it was to store your mower out of the elements, or to organize some of your things. Determine what you will use it for and what it could also potentially house.

What size will fulfill my needs?

So, you now have decided why you need this shed. Onward to what size would best work for you? Do you need space for a lawn mower and your dirt bike? Or just a few tubs of things and gardening tools. This will determine the size you will need. The smallest shed we have is 8x8 and the largest we have is a 14x42.

Where should my portable building go?

Finding the perfect location for your shed is definitely one of the most important things you should think about.

  1. Flat Level Ground is a must to properly set the building. It's possible that you might have to have some dirt work done.
  2. Keep in mind the best location that is convenient for you. You don't want you shed on the back 2.5 acres of your yard if your gardening equipment is in the front half of your yard.
  3. One of our customer's top favorite features is the portability of  our sheds. It's a great thing to have the option of moving your portable barn if the need arises.

When would be the best time to order?

That's up to each individual person. Typical delivery time is 10-15 days weather permitting.

How Will This Shed Help?

There are many ways that a shed can be useful. Protecting larger valuables such as lawnmowers from the elements, Storing all your tackle , and a place to neatly house your camping equipment would fall under the top three reasons not to delay in procuring a storage barn.  You should also consider options available to add on to the building. For instance, would It benefit you to purchase the light package? Would shelving benefit your needs?

Have more questions? Leave them in the comment section. 

Hungry for More Ideas on what to do with your portable building? Read more on that here and here.

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Your Spring Backyard Makeover- Pergola

Though the cooler temperatures are here to stay, it’s never too early to start planning your spring backyard makeover. Pergolas are a simple backyard addition that's filled with so much potential. Here are a few ways that you can dress up your pergola to transform your backyard. 

  • To give your pergola a more intimate and private feel, plant Wisteria or another leafy vine to create a natural covering. This canopy will offer a shady spot in your backyard, but will also be a beautiful focal point of your landscape. 
  • If you're looking to utilize your pergola as an outdoor dining area, simply move your outdoor table and chairs off of your patio and under the pergola. If you’re feeling extra fancy, you can move your grill underneath the pergola as well to create an outdoor kitchen feel.  
  • Wrapping twinkle lights around the beams of your pergola can create a dreamy atmosphere. Snag some Christmas lights while they’re on sale and dress your pergola up. 
  • Create a cozy living area by adding a fire pit and outdoor chairs. The pergola will soon feel like a second living room. 
  • Are you a reader or a nature-inspired worker? Design an outdoor reading nook or work space by adding a couple of comfortable chairs and tables. Enjoy the fresh air and the serenity of your yard while doing what you love!
  • One way to make your above-ground hot tub look nicer is to install a pergola over it. By adding the pergola over the tub, you are creating a cozy, comfortable atmosphere for your guests. 

Decorating a pergola can look different for each person because they are versatile pieces. They can become formal living or dining spaces or they can serve as a second gardening space. How will you use your pergola this spring? We would love to hear your ideas! 

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Coming Soon: United Way Day of Giving 2019


We can't wait for the 2019 Day of Caring on September 20, 2019! Day of Caring is a one-day event that sends hundreds of volunteers out into our community to perform much-needed projects at nonprofit organizations.


If your company would like to put together a volunteer team to tackle some projects, click here to sign up.


If your agency would, like volunteers to come work on projects at your organization, click here to sign up.


Email Jed Dembowski or call 405.329.2025

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Swing Set Maintenance: 10 Ways to Get It Done

There are certainly many benefits to having a swing set for your children. In order to continue each year with a beautiful swing set, there are a few things that will need upkeep.

Here are 10  ways to keep your swing set in top-notch shape from year to year

Perform a Annual Inspection

In order to keep your wooden swing set in proper working order, mark your calendar to give it a once-over each year.  Check each area carefully for anything that might be out of order.

Tighten Bolts

Tightening bolts is essential for safety. Check every single bolt on the swing set to make sure it is tightened. 

Swing Chains

Over time, swing chains may become stiff and squeaky. A simple solution would be to use an aerosol oil that would lubricate the chain. If you do this, be sure to wipe down the chains so they are not slippery.

Replace Rotten Wood

Be sure and check every piece of wood. The rock climbing ramp and the legs often are the first to weather. Replacing them is a simple task.


While your cedar swing set is weather resistant, you will need to check all the wood surfaces for rough patches. If any were to be found, sand the rough patches down with a heavy grit sandpaper.


Staining the wood will bring beautiful color back to the wood and refresh the look. 


Sealing the cedar ensures many more years of use. By sealing your swing set, you are protecting it from erosion, bugs, and weatherproofing it.  Sealing will need to be performed every 1-2 years.

Play Area

Ground cover is imperative for the safety of your little ones.  If you don't have ground cover, consider mulch, pea gravel, or sand. Rubber mulch is the winner in our books. It also lasts far longer than other alternatives.

Replacement Parts

Did you know you can order replacement parts for your wooden swing set? If you ever need a part replaced, contact us on our WARRANTY page.


Sometimes you just got to get in there and roll up your sleeves. Cleaning your swing set is fairly easy and can be done with soap, a rag, and a water hose or power washer. This is great to do because face it, our little ones don't need any help finding dirt.

We hope that you’ve learned a bit about maintaining your swing set. If you have any tips, leave them in the comment section.

If you’re interested in learning more about our selection of cedar swing sets, CLICK HERE.

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Portable Building Turned Deer Camp Cabin

Fall is quickly approaching, and so is hunting season. Why wouldn’t you camp in comfort if you could?  After a long day of trapping about in the woods, how relaxing to come back to deer camp to this beautiful portable cabin. Free from rain, mosquitoes, and the bone chilling air that a tent brings. Here are the 5 top things that can make deer camp more enjoyable.

5.  Luxurious Deer Camp: Why would you choose sleeping in a cold wet tent over the comforts of a beautiful portable cabin? After a long day of trapping about in the woods, how relaxing to come back to deer camp to this beautiful portable cabin. Free from rain, mosquitoes, and the bone chilling air that a tent brings.

4. Tasty Vittles: Yes, some think the only true camping experience is heating cans of cold beans for dinner. Why not spice it up a bit? Fajitas? Sure. Steak and potato? Mnn…..hmmm….  shrimp boil? Yes! If you’re finishing out your portable shed, you could add a small kitchenette and cook all those tasty wonders in the comfort of your deer camp cabin.

3. Enjoyable Hunting Buddies: Let’s face it. You are going to deer camp to prop your feet up, sit around the fire, and tell outrageous hunting fables. Only bring along the guys who truly enjoy the hunting experience as much as you do.

2. Plenty of Game: Checking those trail cams, putting out that salt lick, pounds and pounds of corn. Sometimes, game just don’t show up no matter how hard you prep or what the cams picked up last week. You’re not seeing tracks, sheds, or any sign of wildlife. When times are like that, hey, at least you have your deer camp cabin.

1. Agreeable Attitude: Keeping a great attitude is key when you haven’t filled a tag. Nothing will ruin a great hunting trip for your pals than for you to sulkaround complaining. Focus on other aspects of the trip such as spending time with great friends, scrumptious food, and fun stories around the fire.

What other things would you add to our top 5 list? Let us know in the comments.

Explore this additional blog post which includes a delicious burger recipe

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What does it mean to buy local?

At Quality Buildings we take pride in being a locally owned and operated business, right here in Central Oklahoma. Studies show that for every $100 spent, $68 stays in the community. That’s more than twice the amount national chains reinvest. Keeping our roots firmly grounded in Oklahoma will ensure that our employees, customers, neighbors and families will reap the benefits of our good business practices.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a national brand, or a local company for your next storage building:

Grown Local

Quality Buildings, Inc. started as an idea between a couple of small families in Bethany, Oklahoma. Now, 12 years later, we employ over 20 Oklahomans, and work with a group over nearly 20 local construction contractors. Our employees and their families all benefit from other Oklahomans buying local, and strive to buy local themselves.

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10 Ways to Make Your Backyard Awesome

As the cooler weather rolls in, we know you will be spending more time outside. Check out these 10 ways to make your backyard awesome this fall.

Clean up the Yard

Fall is a great time for yard work because the temperatures are finally starting to drop! Spend the weekend cleaning up your yard before winter hits. Rake the leaves to make the yard appear a little less cluttered. For easy transportation, rake the leaves onto a plastic tarp. Fertilize the grass so that the roots will continue to receive the nutrients that they need to stay healthy and grow over the winter. Trimming back dead limbs now will prevent unexpected breakage during the first winter freeze or snow of the year. Make sure to bring houseplants inside, too. Place them by a window so that they continue to receive sunlight and spray them with water to keep the soil moist.

Colorful Pots and Planters

Add some color and design to your green landscape by using colorful planters and pots for your plants. These pots are a great way to continue the color scheme or decorations that you have in your sitting or dining area of your backyard as well, making your backyard a complete masterpiece.

Yard Games

Oversized yard games are the coolest toy on the shelves right now. Life size Jenga, foot-long dominos and rope and wood tic-tac-toe are just a few of the game-night activities that have been enlarged to be the centerpiece of your tailgates and weekend barbecues. You can also find simple DIY tutorials to make your favorite game at home. All of the kids in your neighborhood will be wishing that they had your backyard.

Outdoor Furniture

Weekend game nights are now at your house because you have the coolest DIY yard games your friends have seen, but where are your guests going to sit during your gathering? Make your backyard a luxurious hangout area with outdoor furniture including sofas or chairs, or a traditional dining area with a table and chairs.

Fire Pit

Fall means cooler weather and cooler weather means it's time to be warmed up by the fire. Fire pits are an easy way to make your backyard look elegant and are relatively low maintenance. Place some chairs around your fire pit for late night conversations with friends or for roasting s'mores with the kids. You don't have to build a fire from scratch to have the campfire feeling anymore!

Portable Storage

Hide all of the kids' pool toys and the summer mosquito lamps in portable outdoor buildings. Storage containers are also perfect for hiding all of the little things that you need to have on hand but tend to be eyesores when you have company over.

Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor string lights are an inexpensive and practical way to simply dress up your backyard or to make your backyard ready for late nights by the fire. Outdoor string lights come in a variety of shapes and sizes so that you can find one that fits your backyard's personality. They make for magical nights!

Outdoor Rugs

Sometimes your yard may need an extra splash of color and that's where outdoor rugs come in. Find a rug for your patio that matches your outdoor furniture and watch the space come to life. Adding a rug to your outdoor kitchen area or outdoor living space will tie it all together.

Hammocks and Swings

Lazy Saturday mornings call for your favorite coffee, a good book and fresh air. Hang a hammock in between two of your trees to make a space for your afternoon naps or add a porch swing to your back patio to relax on and enjoy a glass of wine while you unwind from a busy week. It will also add some dimension to your landscape.

Gazebos and Pergolas

Expand your home's living space by adding a gazebo or pergola to your backyard. These freestanding structures add a sense of community to the otherwise bare space in your yard and add an attractive focal point to your landscape. These structures can house a dining or living area, regardless of the weather.


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Storage Unit Prices Set to Increase in 2020

If you’re like most Americans, our toys, tools and valuable collections have outgrown our living spaces. Despite recent ups and downs in overall U.S. economy, the number of storage facilities like self-storage lockers have significantly increased over the last 10 years. One in 11 American pays an average of $91.14 per month to use a self-storage facility, that is over $1,000 a year!

Today commercial real estate investors are spending less on storage facilities than in previous years. As a result, fewer new storage facilities being built will lead to fewer business options and higher prices in the long term. Long term storage users will need to reassess their monthly expenses and make an adjustment.

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Easy Moving Tips & Tricks

At Quality Buildings we are experts when it comes to storage, organization and optimizing your outdoor space. Put our experience to work for you when it comes to preparing for and pulling off an effortless move. Here are some ways that you can make it happen:

Create a Plan

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Caring For Your Chickens In Freezing Temperatures

Some may be a little nervous about caring for your flock during the winter months.  You feel prepared with a chicken coop, chickens, and chicken feed. Are your feathered friends truly ready for winter weather? 

Heat Lamp

Make sure  chickens stay warm with a red heat lamp. It is best to get one that has a thermostat control so that you can keep the temperature steady.

Yummy Entertainment

Chickens bore easily. During the dury winter months, give them some entertainment. A head of cabbage to peck, mealworms to snack on, whole dried kernels of corn are also a clever  treat. The chicken's gizzard will work to digest the corn and keep the chicken warm so it's an ideal snack for winter.

Well Vitaminized

Your feathered friends will need some extra supplements to get them through until the grass grows again . Apple cider vinegar is a frugal choice and it is chock  full of vitamins and minerals. Just pour a small amount into their drinking water for maximized  results.

Mites to Ashes

Chickens greatly enjoy baths and proving ashes from your fireplace is a great way for your chickens to have a dust bath to rid themselves of mites. If you don't have a fireplace yourself, ask a friend for a bucket of their fireplace ashes.

Young & Old

Please be sure not to introduce young chickens into your already established flock. This could lead to fatal bullying. Wait til they are at least 6 months old before bringing the whole feathered clan together.

Boxes, Eggs, and Other Fun Stuff

Be sure to give the chickens plenty of nesting boxes to lay eggs. It is recommended that 1 box be provided per 5 chickens. Speaking of laying, did you know your egg production doesn't have to drop during winter months? Feeding your flock a few slices of sandwich bread keeps them happy and laying all season long.

Do you have any tips about raising chickens in the winter? Leave your comments below!

Interested in other winter tips? Look through some of our other blog posts.


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5 Tips for Portable Storage Building Organization

Need some ideas for storing away your belongings this winter? Here are some tips from Quality Buildings Oklahoma.

Lawn Maintenance
Lawn maintenance supplies such as lawn mowers, fertilizer or soil, gardening tools, or extra flower pots can be an eyesore if left out in the yard but take up significant space if stored in the garage. By having a portable storage unit in your backyard, these supplies can have a permanent home where they’re kept out of sight, but still easily accessible.

Pool Accessories
The only thing worse than putting away your favorite pool toys (and accepting the fact that summer is over) is accidentally leaving them to be weathered in the elements. By keeping your favorite pool toys in a portable storage building in your backyard, you and your family have easy access to the toys at any time during the year while your backyard and pool stay clean and organized.

Holiday Decoration Storage
For the extravagant holiday decorators, finding a clean, dry, convenient place to store your decorations can be more difficult than actually decorating your home. Cross that worry off of your list this year and organize your decorations in a portable storage building right on your property. This allows you to keep your decorations close for quick access so you can monitor them.

Extra Work Space
This is ideal for the ultimate crafter or small business owner. Sometimes the spare bedroom you’re using as a makeshift workspace doesn’t always work. There’s no place to put anything, there are kids rummaging through your things while the family dog has decided you don’t need peace in order to work. We recommend taking your workspace outdoors, into a portable storage unit. You’ll have plenty of room for storing your supplies along with an escape for five minutes of peace.

New Home
Have you recently downsized your house? Are you in the process of moving? Unpacked boxes can quickly get in the way of your home’s new flow, so store those huge boxes out in a portable storage unit. This will help you move through the unpacking process a bit more smoothly and the boxes will be safe until you have a chance to get to them.

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Learn Exactly How to Host A Winter Outdoor Party!

"Thank goodness for the first snow, it was a reminder--no matter how old you became and how much you'd seen, things could still be new if you were willing to believe they still mattered." Candace Bushnell

January can seem to be quite un-inspiring in the backyard department. Leafless trees, and brown foliage are the somber scene at each backyard. Hardly the place for a party it would seem.

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Why Is Everyone Talking About A Carport With A Storage Shed Attachment?

Why Is everyone talking about carports with storage shed attachments? Well… because we all want the best of both worlds. We want our car protected but we would also like an area to protect our most important stuff. Que carports with storage shed attachments. Carports are surprisingly a versatile product. We must protect our larger valuables like, vehicles, boats, and lawn mowing equipment. We also need an outdoor storage building.  How exciting to mesh the two together and have not only a metal carport, but also a small metal building for storage all rolled into one. A plethora of goodies could easily be housed in the storage portion of the carport.

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Charm For Your Storm Shelter - Is It Worth It?

So we have talked about the “How and Why” of a storm shelter Here.

Today I'm going to show you how easy it is to change that dull tornado shelter into beautiful landscape.

Are you seriously considering a storm shelter but disliking the idea of how it will look in your yard? With just a few tools you can achieve a stunning landscape!

Whether you prefer a more simple landscaping rock design, or you have a plethora of flowers to plant, this plain cellar can be transformed into something magnificent.  With just a small amount of planning and research, you can have a botanical paradise and more importantly, a safe haven for you and your loved ones when storms rage. 

You can revamp your shelter into several different things. If you choose, it can be the focal point of your yard.

Adding landscaping rocks is an easy way to change the look  dramatically.  Planting flowers and shrubbery is also a great way to add beauty and color to your cellar. Any way you fix your cellar up is sure to be gorgeous!

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10 Ways to Incorporate a Timeless Pergola

Whether you’re using a pergola for shade or for structural design, they’re a great addition to any backyard. And while they tend to be ornamental, they offer helpful solutions for climbing vines and surrounding greenery. Our team here at Quality Buildings has uncovered 10 ways you can incorporate a timeless pergola into your backyard. Keep reading to get started!


Often, pergolas are set up in a designated area of a backyard. But, the design allows it to be altered when needed. Think landscaping specifically. It can be built around natural tree shade or provide a perfect structure for vines – offering a little extra privacy.


Pergolas can also be used for transitioning between backyard areas. Soft texture can lead visitors into a relaxing outdoor space while other pergolas service as a waypoint between front and backyards. Additionally, they’re great placed between amenities – the perfect entrance to your swimming pool or deck area.


We’ve mentioned pergolas being perfect patios and decks. It’s because their placement helps designate foot traffic amongst your guests, by establishing zones or gathered areas. Most designs are fairly open-air, but you have the option to integrate your pergola with the roof of your home. 


Have a green thumb? Having a pergola in your backyard also supplies you a bit of seclusion. Some pergolas feature trellises on 2-3 sides. Growing climbing plants and flowers along this design give you some privacy while still maintaining openness to the backyard landscape.


Smaller pergola designs are perfect for accenting a home’s patio, providing an interesting architectural backdrop. It also has the ability to graciously adorn points along a garden path.


In addition to seclusion, you may need to shield your guests from massive amounts of sunlight. We can all agree that sunburns are no fun. Adding a bit of fabric to your pergola design is a great way to shield from too much lighting or unwanted views. We recommend using water resistant fabrics and pullbacks that can withstand unpredictable weather.


A pergola, a trellis, or an arbor? No one’s going to make you limit yourself, here. Pergola designs are so easily adaptable that you can have the best of all worlds. You can create a cozy entrance to a garden or a colorful space for entertaining.


We mentioned earlier that pergolas can be used as accents. It turns out, they can be used as a focal point as well. Add some seating for a charming meeting spot or place a small fountain for a luxury touch. Either design direction creates a piece that simply steals the show.


One of the best aspects of pergolas is that they’re so easy to customize. Constraints in budget? Check out your size options. Not a gardener? Consider more contemporary styles and materials. There are endless possibilities in creating visual interest. It all comes down to your personal taste and the size of your space.


Pergolas are great to look at, but we love that they can serve a multitude of purposes. Rather than an accent or focus point, it can also provide storage or cohesion in your backyard. Think about those pesky corners that are “just there.” Adding a pergola is perfect way to instantly transform the space.

Curious how else you can incorporate your pergola? Stay tuned for more backyard tips and tricks from Quality Buildings. If you have any questions or would like to explore our pergola options, please contact a location near you!



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OKC Home + Outdoor Living Show Recap

We had a wonderful time meeting folks at this year’s OKC Home + Outdoor Living Show.

We are proud to announce the two lucky folks won our drawings:

  • DIANE from Tryon, OK won the 1-Night Stay + Breakfast for Two at the Wyndham OKC.

  • EMILY from Moore, OK won the $500 Lowe's Gift Card.

Diane is a happy owner of one of our chicken coops. She had some amazing feedback about how the features work well for her needs - keeping out predators and making it easy to maintain.

Emily was excited to learn more about our storage buildings as her needs are about to change as she moves to a new home soon.

Congratulations to you both!

Take Advantage of Show Discounts

Our show discounts have been extended through the end of April. Buy now and you can save $500 off storage building electric packages.

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Win a Storage Building this July in Lubbock, Texas

This July Quality Buildings in Lubbock is supporting CASA of South Plains in two ways:

1 - Win a Storage Building

Purchase raffle tickets for the opportunity to win a storage building during the Annual Casas for CASA playhouse raffle fundraiser hosted by CASA of the South Plains from July 1st through July 27th online at www.casaofthesouthplains.org, at the CASA office at 1215 Avenue J, Suite 301 during business hours, or at the Market Street location at 4205 98th St. (98th St. & Quaker). Quality Buildings has contributed an 8’x10’ Classic storage building (a $2,300 value) to the fundraising event. Purchase your tickets for a chance to win this storage building and other playhouses as we come together to help raise money for children in foster care who need the voice of CASA Volunteers to represent their best interest. The event goal is $25,000. The funds raised during Casas for CASA will go directly to CASA of the South Plains to help recruit, train, and support CASA Volunteers to serve as advocates for children in the foster care system.

For additional details about the event, visit www.casaofthesouthplains.org.

2 - $50 to CASA for Every Building Purchased in July

Visit Quality Buildings at 4511 Clovis Road to purchase your storage building during the month of July and Quality will make a $50 contribution to CASA in your name. A challenge has been put forth to contribute at least $2,500 (selling 50 buildings). That means, now is a great time to take advantage of these summer discounts, get the storage building you need, and make a contribution to a great community cause.

To purchase your storage building and help give back to CASA, contact Tanner Morales.

About CASA of the South Plains

CASA of the South Plains empowers community members to serve as volunteer Advocates

that speak for the well-being of abused and neglected children in the foster care system.

Court Appointed Special Advocates are community members just like you who ensure each foster child’s needs remain a priority in an overburdened child welfare system while working to find safe, permanent homes for these most vulnerable children.

To learn how to become an Advocate, or if you are unable to volunteer at this time, and would like to make a donation, visit www.casaofthesouthplains.org or call (806) 763-2272.

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5 Ways To Prepare Your Yard For Spring

1.       USE THAT RAKE

Rake up old leaves and dead plant debris to start your yard cleaning. By raking those away, you are allowing the grass to be able to start poking through the soil. As a bonus, you can create a nice mulch pile to add to your garden later on.


Pull up all weeds and clear a path in your garden or flower bed for planting. Be sure to mulch the soil well because that’s where the plants get their nutrients. Now would be the time to water your soil so it will be moist. By doing this, you won’t break your back by digging holes for all those plants.

3.       MOW…MOW…MOW

Yes, I know. Mowing is not fun! But by mowing, your yard receives an instant face lift. Using the leaf catcher gives you that classic “manicured lawn” look. Fertilize at this time if you want.


Do your research and find out the best time to trim and prune your annuals. This will cause them to grow thicker and fuller and keep a groomed shape.


This is a great time to check all of your lighting around the outside of your house to make sure it is all working. Any flood lights, backyard ambient lighting, porch lights, and solar lights.  Clean out those gutters in preparation of spring showers. Make sure those automatic sprinklers are in tip top shape and no heads are broken or stopped up.



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