Quality Buildings

10 Unique Uses For A Portable Building

Have you taken a stroll around your neighborhood? During your drive, you may have noticed a house or two with a large shed in the backyard. But, guess what. It probably wasn’t a shed.

In fact, it could’ve been a workshop — a studio, maybe even a tiny home. In this day and age, outdoor portable buildings can serve a variety of needs. Whether it’s storing away tools for the winter or using the extra space for homeschooling, the only limitation is your imagination.

So, what all can a portable building be used for? Our team here at Quality Buildings has listed a few of many ways you can get the most out of your space.

1. Art Studio

If you’re a painter, sculptor, designer or crafter, a studio is exactly what you need. You can absorb some inspiration as you work in a space that’s all your own.

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Quality Buildings is Hiring

We are currently seeking sales representatives for new lots throughout Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle. If you have outside sales experience, please apply on our website.

As we continue to grow, we strive to work within our Oklahoma communities, building relationships with partners and customers.

If you’re a Quality Buildings customer, please let someone know about your experience working with us. Thank you!

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Greenhouse...Your Winter Garden Savior

Burr…..it definitely feels like winter time.  I don’t know about you but I’ve been dreaming of summer days when I can go out into my garden and pick a fresh, home grown, tomato right off the vine.  I get the urge to plant and tend my garden during the winter and I found the perfect solution to my dilemma, a greenhouse!

Greenhouses are capable of growing food year round in most climates even in the heart of winter. It  can withstand freezing temperatures, all while keeping the plants inside from Mr. Jack Frost’s icy grip.

What I love about Quality Building’s greenhouses:

1.  They have a double wall polycarbonate to keep the heat in and the cold out. Most places will tell you to just go ahead and insulate with bubble wrap. Why would you create more work for yourself when you can purchase a product that already has insulation.

2.  Electric packages are available. With these electrical packages, you can use heaters, lamps, or anything else you may need. Sometimes, you just need to add some heat to keep temperatures warm enough. If you are going to use a heater, please make sure to keep the heater in a central spot that is least likely to encounter water.

3. One of my most favorite features would have to be the water hookup. I love that it has a faucet that I can quickly connect my water hose to and water all the plants easily.

4.  A drawback of heating your greenhouse is the increasing humidity it causes. Good ventilation is key to keeping your plants healthy and free from spread of fungal diseases. A good rule of thumb would be to water sparingly and only in the morning. Excess humidity can be cleared by the auto opening vent that is standard with all our greenhouses.

5. If you ever worry about the sun beating down on your precious plants, there is also an add on feature that is called “garden house.” It is where part of the greenhouse has metal for the roof and smart panel siding for the walls to shade your beauties from too much sun. Speaking of temperatures, you can purchase a fan package that will automatically turn on when the temperature of the greenhouse exceeds a temperature that is set.

6. If you have a greenhouse, you can defy nature. A greenhouse would be a great place for your propagator and start your seeds for spring. Good choices for seeds would be spinach, onions, broad beans, peas, & kale.

If you have any comments or suggestions please let us know.   

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6 Organization Hacks for Portable Buildings

As a homeowner, a portable building can play a crucial role in your organization system. It allows you to take the heat off your home and create a dedicated space for storing specific items. Whether you need a tool, appliance or a weed wacker, you need to find it as soon as you need it. To keep your area looking pristine, we’ve put together a list of six organization hacks for portable buildings.


When you’re limited on storage space, the only way to go is up. Modify your portable building with shelving to free up floor space. Not only will you be able to stash more, but visually, it’ll expand the look of your room.


Do we have any woodworking enthusiasts out there? If you’re looking for the ultimate way to store your power tools (and annoying cords), click here.



From pesticides to paint sprays and loose tools, stash away smaller items in boxes and bins to avoid losing them. As you organize your shed, establish specific bins to keep each item. This will save you time digging around in the future.



If you have a toolset, you probably have an extensive set of screws, nails, tacks and bolts. Just like loose items, hardware can easily be lost if you don’t have an organized system in place. Keep these in pull out drawers or smaller tackle boxes. This will keep them out of the way and off the floor.



We mentioned considering vertical shelves, but a pegboard system is an equally fantastic alternative for hanging gardening, woodworking or construction supplies. This would be a perfect home for the tools you find yourself using most often. Our team recommends using lathe screws to prevent tear from heavier items. Click below for the full tutorial!



Do you have a bit of a green thumb? Yard tools like rakes, shovels and pitchforks take up ample space —  not to mention, they’re always falling down. To keep them organized and upright, simply carve divots into a long plank of wood and screw it into the wall for a quick DIY tool rack.



It’s so easy to trip on items when they don't have designated spots. Save yourself the headaches (and stubbed) toes by keeping hoses and cords off the floor. Just gather some hooks to get started!


Portable buildings are great for freeing up space but often encounter area constraints of their own. But with these six organization hacks, you’ll be able to declutter, sort and free up square footage in no time.

What are some of your space saving tips? Share your stories and ideas with us in the comments below.

Ready to organize your storage shed? Contact one of your dealer experts to order your building today.

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Storage Unit Vs. Portable Building

Moving into a new home, remodeling, household repairs, we've all been there. It can be particularly stressful when these occurrences minimize the already shrinking space you're working with. It's expensive to add space to a home, not to mention you run the risk of it appearing blatantly mix-matched. Between the hammering of the tools and the chaotic mess that's left behind, why do it?

Something that people most often forget is that they have other options. Options like a portable building. Not only is it a cost-effective alternative, but it can be easily modified with shelving, insulation, electricity, and more. One of the greatest benefits is that it's onsite and that it's convenient. When you need to snatch something from storage, it's right there. No more driving back and forth between your home and the storage facilities that close at 9 p.m. or earlier. You'll also rest soundly at night, not worrying about the safety of your belongings.

Portable buildings are also, well... mobile. If you're making the transition to a new place, you have the option to transport your belongings with ease. Moving is already stressful, if there's any way we can mitigate the burden, you'd better believe we're happy to do so. Another perk of owning your own storage building is that it can serve a variety of purposes. It can be used as a garage, storage shed, warehouse, or even a studio. If you're requiring space for something else like a greenhouse or home office, we have those too.

We take great pride in what we do, and in the products we offer. In a world where adaptability is key, we believe the same should apply to our portable buildings. If you need any help choosing a design or would like to learn about our add-ons, give us a call. Quality Buildings Inc. is here to answer any questions you may have and to set you up with extra space when you need it most.

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Tiny House, Big Possibilities

Many of you may have taken notice of the tiny house movement. People are joining in for a variety of reasons including environmental and financial concerns along with the opportunity for more freedom. This is where you’re probably shaking your head thinking, “I don’t know how someone could live in something like that.” We’re here to tell you that it’s actually not far-fetched as it may sound. Turns out, there’s a number of benefits to living humbly and below, we’ll dig into all the details. 

What constitutes a tiny house?

A typical American home is around 2,600 square feet. A tiny home is somewhere between 100 and 400 square feet. These homes come in all shapes and sizes, are geared towards one thing: simplistic living. Think smaller space, higher efficiency.


Why the downsize? 

With the economic shakeup of 2007, this movement attracted owners from all walks of life. While only 1% of buyers acquire these buildings for dwelling, many are using them as on-property housing for relatives, as a guest house, or even as a home office. For most Americans, 1/3 to 1/2 of their income is dedicated to their housing. Looking down the road, they’ll spend 15 years of working just to pay for it which 76% of Americans are already living paycheck to paycheck.

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Spring Weather Preparations

“Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” Bobby Unser - Famed Auto Racer

Preparation is the key to successfully weathering the extreme spring storms of that fall upon the Great Plains each year. While we still don’t have a crystal ball to foretell the severity and impact of every storm, fear of the inevitable shouldn’t be the only motivator for preparation.

Have a Plan

Minimize the panic coordinating a disaster preparedness plan with your family, friends and neighbors. Ensure that you have designated a meeting point for everyone. Pick a safe room in your home. This room should be in the center of the house, without windows or exterior doors and large enough for you, your children and pets.

Teach your family how to administer basic first aid. You can event enroll in a first aid and CPR training through local first responder groups, high schools and technical schools.

Make sure to clearly communicate where fire extinguishers, first aid kits and fresh water are located. Ensure that these emergency supplies are stocked and accessible during the storm season.

Ensure that everyone in your home understands how tornado sirens work, what to listen for, and how long they are active during a storm.

When a disaster occurs, the biggest stressor on people is the feeling of disconnect. Phones aren’t working, no power, no internet… How will you feel assured that your loved ones are okay?

Stay Informed

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